Release Notes - OC Enterprise - Version
New Features
- [ENT-980] - Item Costing Export to excel
- [ENT-852] - IRM Associate Item function
- [ENT-851] - IRM Replace Ingredient function
- [ENT-995] - Item edit page will now attempt to resolve reporting unit conversion from case size with prompt on save
- [ENT-1050] - Case Size overview page updated to have proper tab/focus order
- [ENT-1194] - Inventory/Sales Group create page needs default selected entity value for category
- [ENT-1224] - Add ingredient dialog now includes a check box to keep dialog open after selection is made
- [ENT-1334] - Changed header in 'account view' "Reference" to GL Account Reference"
- [ENT-1367] - Product Overview updated with group selection list
- [ENT-998] - Review Inventory report added total value for grand total
- [ENT-1164] - Added store group filter to store by store comparison page
- [ENT-1320] - User Agreement dialog for users on website
- [ENT-1348] - Export Accounting Data page added a check all button
Bug Fixes
- [ENT-1374] - Costing for item in prep sometimes incorrect based on conversions after case size conversion updated
- [ENT-1368] - Case size edit page the Supplier field should not be editable
- [ENT-1365] - Item Duplicate function does not copy conversions over to the new item
- [ENT-1346] - Recipe Book page should require selection before download/view
- [ENT-1336] - Recipe instructions had no way to remove image from recipe
- [ENT-1332] - Printing function in report view not showing print dialog
- [ENT-1349] - Account export is exporting the due date as todays date rather then the actual due date