Release Notes - OC Pro - v5.0.1.1220
- [OC-2577] Enabled header sorting in export accounting data
- [OC-2668] Automatic Application Licensing
- [OC-2604] System preference for default backup path
- [OC-2657] Theoretical Item Usage Report modified to include more relevant data
Bug Fixes
- [OC-2570] Invoice export now properly sets file extension if file name modified
- [OC-2618] Daily Sales creation was including disabled categories
- [OC-2597] Incorrect sorting in items view drop downs caused conflicts with default values
- [OC-2613] Occasional divide by zero error when retrieving conversions for an item
- [OC-2625] Validation highlighting in prep and product wasn't appearing correctly
- [OC-2659] UI locale now correctly respects local regional settings
- [OC-2674] Backup now ensures backup file was created before attempting compression
- [OC-2679] Error would appear in calendars when shift clicking without previous selection made
- [OC-2620] Upload queue wasn't properly setting uploaded date when re-queuing failed or expired usage
- [OC-2629] Installing recipe set from dashboard tile wasn't properly closing all open views first
- [OC-2643] Recipe Set install would occasionally stop processing in the middle of importing items
- [OC-2658] Recipe Set install would occasionally fail if Ingredients property was set to Keep Local in recipe set configuration
- [OC-2666] Recipe Set install would fail if a setup object was deleted at local store but is still in use on website
- [OC-2671] Recipe Set install would occasionally fail when reloading conversions after item install
- [OC-2614] Rare issue when loading inventory an error would appear because of a missing item
- [OC-2644] Adjusting a multiple count sheet inventory would occasionally add extra prepped quantity
- [OC-2645] Case Sizes added after an order was created were not properly exported
- [OC-2654] Opening existing order would show incorrect unit cost and price override flag
- [OC-2642] Fixing invoice import errors and reprocessing would occasionally duplicate invoice items
- [OC-2631] Check for file extension on invoice import is no longer case sensitive
- [OC-2630] Invoice Import wasn't properly combining duplicate expense lines
- [OC-2653] Sales Mix by Product Report cost % totals weren't adding up correctly
- [OC-2652] Sales Mix by Product Report not showing event sales correctly when guest calculation method used
- [OC-2649] Item Activity Report had issue showing sales data for same day from multiple sources
- [OC-2640] Account Purchase Detail Report was showing invoice type incorrectly
- [OC-2672] Validating sales import would occasionally cause an error
- [OC-2677] Employee view didn't allow user to assign current access level to newly created employees
- [OC-2675] Error in Employee view when refreshing and no current employee selected
- [OC-2576] Item Recipe Management Associate Items had wrong default value for group filter
- [OC-2575] Error when replacing ingredient of different unit type