Release Notes - OC Pro - Version
[OC5QA-1] - Daily Sales Calendar view should respect gross/net preference for showing sales value on calendar
[OC5QA-9] - Inventory Preferences - Prep Par Level Time Frame start date and end date value is 0001-01-01
[OC5QA-11] - AccountView - Add Loading spinner for retrieve data.
[OC5QA-12] - PrepParLevel - Add Max Amount field and factor preference.
[OC5QA-13] - Sync Items Affected needs to recalculate ingredient conversion
[OC5QA-14] - Add timeout to database update check
[OC5QA-15] - StoreView - AuthorizeNewStoreDialog needs a validation for 'no code'
OC5QA-16] - Case Size Overview add column for "Can Split"
[OC5QA-19] - CustomerView - Show more info of customer in left list to more easily identify a customer. Now just first name.
[OC5QA-27] - Alter enterprise recipe set import to query recipe instructions and pictures for imported products
[OC5QA-28] - Recipe set synchronize after installation needs to only sync modified items/preps/products
[OC5QA-29] - RecipeSetInstaller needs to handle case sizes properly
[OC5QA-62] - Menu Engineering worksheet - Change Selling Price to Avg. Price
[OC5QA-66] - PrepRecipeBook - Layout changes
[OC5QA-68] - PrepRecipeSummary - Layout changes
[OC5QA-70] - PrepRecipeSummary Report - Change Layout
[OC5QA-79] - DailyPrepSheet - Category, Group, Prep and search filters
[OC5QA-83] - Menu Engineering worksheet - Apply preference "NetOrGrossInReport"
[OC5QA-84] - SalesMixCategorySummaryWithGraph - Apply reference "NetOrGrossInreport"
[OC5QA-85] - Sales Mix - Daily Summary report - Use Preference "NetOrGrossInReport"
[OC5QA-88] - Daily Prep Sheet report - Change headers and layout
[OC5QA-92] - Add preference "NetOrGross" to control using "Net Sales" or "Gross Sales" in reports.
[OC5QA-94] - Item Occurrence report needs filters
[OC5QA-95] - Theoretical prep sheet requires filters
[OC5QA-99] - Purchase Summary fix column headers (multi-line headers only show one line) and ensure text is spelled correctly
[OC5QA-105] - ReportView - Create a Weekly Prep Sheet Report
[OC5QA-108] - Adjust all uses of ProductSale to reflect Net/Gross preference and ensure NetTotal is populated correctly.
[OC5QA-109] - Add NetTotal property to ProductSale and rename Total to GrossTotal
[OC5QA-110] - Add Field "NetSalesTotal" and rename "Total" to "GrossSalesTotal" in ProductSales table
[OC5QA-115] - Stored Procedure - oc.sp_AmalgamateItem adapts to GrossSalesTotal and NetSalesTotal changes in ProductSales Table
[OC5QA-132] - Report parameters and filter group boxes needs to show/hide if any parameters or filters exist
[OC5QA-81] - GeneralActivityTile - Apply preference "NetOrGrossSalesInReport" to GeneralActivityTile
[OC5QA-82] - ProductCostOverTime - Apply preference "NetOrGrossInReport"
[OC5QA-86] - SalesMixByProduct - Apply preference "NetOrGrossSalesInReport"
[OC5QA-91] - Projected Sales Report - Add "Accumulated Sales", "Daily Average" and "Projected Sales" for net sale
[OC5QA-93] - UsageSummaryReports - Using "NetOrGross" preferences to decide using Net Sales or Gross Sales in reports
[OC5QA-98] - Daily Prep Sheet report: add shelf life column, indicate unit of par level, add icon to open prep
[OC5QA-139] - Rename Prep Sheet reports so that they appear sequentially in their report category
[OC5QA-140] - Add filter for Prep Station to Prep Sheet reports
[OC5QA-141] - Prep Par Levels add column for shelf life
[OC5QA-142] - Prep Par Levels add portion amount to batch uom column
[OC5QA-143] - Prep Par Levels - Round calculated prep amount to the 1/4 batch
[OC5QA-144] - Prep Par Levels - add icon to open preps
[OC5QA-145] - Event Preferences - create preference for costing calculation (default to selling price)
[OC5QA-148] - Add validation adorners to Guest view
[OC5QA-149] - Add validation adorners to customer view
[OC5QA-150] - Add validation adorners to Catering
[OC5QA-151] - Add validation adorners to Buffets
[OC5QA-152] - Invoice re-date needs to disable button after clicked, and show spinner until re-date process is complete then close popup
[OC5QA-158] - Increase size of prep/product image in reports where it appear
Bug Fixes
[OC5QA-2] - AccountingPreferenceView - double clicking button behind "Accounting System" drop down will cause "Cancel" button prompt 2 time in wizard
[OC5QA-4] - BudgetWorkSheetView - Projected Sales textbox's red border not change to black when switching to another budget
[OC5QA-5] - BudgetWorksheet - Wrong error message and saving with wrong value.
[OC5QA-6] - ProductView - Throw Exception when creating product
[OC5QA-7] - PrepView - Saving without barcode validation issue
[OC5QA-8] - Preferences Nutrition - Label format not selecting initial value
[OC5QA-17] - ItemsView: validation on description field is missing.
[OC5QA-20] - CaseSizeOverview - Should clear Supplier filter if the case size (selected through search popup) is not from the supplier in the filter
[OC5QA-21] - TaxView - If first tax is value type, opening or switching back will show it in percent format sometimes
[OC5QA-22] - UsageUploadView - Exception on opening the view
[OC5QA-23] - Uploads stuck at Received status block all other uploads, need to expire the received status like pending
[OC5QA-24] - PrepRecipeBook not showing downloaded instructions after install RecipeSet
[OC5QA-25] - RecipeSetInstaller - Instructions and images not saved to Db after downloaded from server
[OC5QA-26] - Usage Upload Deletion doesn't re-attempt when initial delete fails
[OC5QA-30] - GuestView - Should not allow duplicate description
[OC5QA-31] - GuestView - Delete a guest throw exception
[OC5QA-32] - InventoryListView - Available list (Left list) is empty when open occasionally
[OC5QA-33] - CountsheetPage - Print count sheet report not matching the screen
[OC5QA-34] - CountsheetPage - Prompt user to save changes only when modified on printing Worksheet / Countsheet
[OC5QA-35] - Inventory Adjustment exception.
[OC5QA-36] - Inventory list should only include tracked inventory items
[OC5QA-37] - Inventory Countsheet and Worksheet reports need to be able to be filtered according to the current filters applied to the active countsheet
[OC5QA-38] - Inventory worksheet report does not match countsheet
[OC5QA-39] - Inventory Countsheet Adjustment disabled refresh button when adjusting, should only be for non-finalized inventory
[OC5QA-41] - InventoryDetailView - Click Summarize Counts then clicking Countsheet throws exception occasionally
[OC5QA-42] - Import Config wizard - Create a CSV config, open again and goto 2nd page throws exception
[OC5QA-43] - AllergenPage - Select textbox not select the list row
[OC5QA-44] - Nutrition entry from label validation not working correctly for serving size
[OC5QA-45] - SynchronizedNutritionView - Clicking "Print" not working
[OC5QA-46] - InvoiceDetailView - Pressing the shift key and clicking on a case size in Available list (left list) throws exception sometimes
[OC5QA-47] - InvoiceDetailview - Drag & Drop allow duplicate case sizes are added to Item Tab
[OC5QA-48] - Invoice doesn't update current case size of item used
[OC5QA-49] - InvoiceDetailView - Cannot drag a case size from left list to Items tab
[OC5QA-50] - SupplierExportWizardPage - double clicking "Edit/New" button behind Specification Combo Box to open wizard may cause "Cancel" button prompt 2 time in wizard
[OC5QA-51] - OrderWorksheetView: double-click on left hand case size list does not work
[OC5QA-52] - Checking off "Round to Case" when forecasting an order does not work
[OC5QA-54] - OrderWorksheetView: change round to case functionality
[OC5QA-55] - OrderGuideDetailView - uncheck a supplier will clear the listbox after Switching from Dynamic to Fixed then switching back
[OC5QA-56] - OrderView - Shouldn't allow to change case size to another case that already in the list
[OC5QA-57] - OrderGuideView - List occasionally doesn't load
[OC5QA-58] - BidView - When saving, sometimes the BidUnitPrice takes the value of last time entered
[OC5QA-59] - OrderSelectionView - Filter Days Custom Startdate has initial value of year 1900 and not refreshing command status
[OC5QA-60] - ImportWizardPage2 - Validation not working properly
[OC5QA-61] - Purchasing.Import - SupplierImportWizardPage - Double clicking "New/Edit"button behind Specification drop down, The "cancel" button in wizard will prompt 2 times
[OC5QA-63] - MenuProductSummary - Cost not matching ProductView
[OC5QA-64] - MenuProductDetail-Problems - Cost not matching ProductView
[OC5QA-65] - Menu Product Detail - Cost not matching ProductView
[OC5QA-67] - PrepRecipeDetail - Cost not matching ProductView
[OC5QA-69] - Product Recipe Book - missing report header when no data
[OC5QA-71] - GeneralActivityTile - Tooltip on the daily object not showing.
[OC5QA-72] - Forecasted Order Sheet By GrossSales - "Run Report" button should not be available when "Desired Gross Sales" is empty
[OC5QA-73] - Product Detail Book - Error when select Sales Group or Category
[OC5QA-74] - Weekly Prep Sheet - Missing Category, Group and Prep filters
[OC5QA-75] - Prep recipe summary - Missing parameter and filters
[OC5QA-76] - Prep Recipe Detail - Missing parameters and filters
[OC5QA-77] - Menu Product Summary - Missing Store parameter and Product filter
[OC5QA-78] - Menu Product Detail - Missing "Store" parameter
[OC5QA-80] - SalesMixByDailySummary - Showing "%" twice in the Desired Percent field.
[OC5QA-87] - Menu Engineering Report divide by zero exception
[OC5QA-89] - Theoretical Prep Usage report - Select Item filter and got error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
[OC5QA-90] - Item Occurrence Report - Select category filter and got error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
[OC5QA-96] - Prep recipe summary and prep recipe book show recipe unit rather than the batch yield
[OC5QA-97] - WasteDetailSubByDate has report error
[OC5QA-100] - Purchase Summary round quantities to 3 decimal places
[OC5QA-106] - PendingSalesView - Line 'Total' not showing
[OC5QA-111] - PosReferenceView - double clicking button behind Pos Configuration drop down will cause "Cancel" button prompt 2 time in wizard
[OC5QA-113] - PosPreferencesView - "Default desired percent of sales" field not working correctly
[OC5QA-114] - SalesView - Invalid number is not the same in calendar view and detail view sometimes
[OC5QA-116] - Item Classification Editor - ICETaxgroupPage - Tax group changes in ProductView after moving product to another tax group but not saving
[OC5QA-117] - Item Classification Editor - ICETaxgroupPage - Enter in search box, switch to another view, switch back, all tax groups show. Should filter using condition in search box when switch back.
[OC5QA-118] - Item Classification Editor - ICETaxgroupPage - filter problem
[OC5QA-119] - Item Classification Editor - ICEGroupPage - filter problem
[OC5QA-120] - Item Classification Editor - ICEGroupPage - Enter filter in search box then clear it, All groups display but only items that meet filter are showed
[OC5QA-121] - Item Classification Editor - ICEGroupPage - Exception when drag and drop a prep
[OC5QA-122] - Item Classification Editor - ICEGroupPage - Exception if enter in search box before tree is populated
[OC5QA-123] - Item Classification Editor - ICELocationEditor - should filter treeView after refresh if Search box is not empty
[OC5QA-124] - Item Classification Editor - ICELocationPage - Moving a Primary location, switch to another view. When prompt Save, select No. Back and primary show as secondary location
[OC5QA-125] - Item Classification Editor - ICELocationPage - filter problem
[OC5QA-130] - Item Classification Editor - Prompting if save the changes when switching to other view not working correctly
[OC5QA-126] - ImportWizardPage2 - csv config validation error message is not correct when index is the same for 2 or more fields
[OC5QA-128] - Uom amalgamate needs to resolve conversion that will be duplicated after the amalgamation is complete
[OC5QA-129] - Item Recipe Management - Backward and Forward button not working correctly
[OC5QA-131] - AssociateItemsView - Add 2 case sizes of one item to Copy To and save. Open that item and just one is shown
[OC5QA-133] - Utility - AssociateItemView - missing validation for "Copy To" supplier drop down list
[OC5QA-3] - DailySales account balances not being saved correctly
[OC5QA-53] - Item Classification Editor: Add delete button to remove secondary locations
[OC5QA-101] - Purchase Summary by Supplier not calculating qty received correctly based on reporting UOM
[OC5QA-102] - Purchase Summary by Supplier report not applying credit to qty received amount
[OC5QA-103] - Purchase Summary report not calculating net purchased units correctly
[OC5QA-104] - Generating the monthly order sheet is giving an error "invalid Column name 'AvgUsePerDay'"
[OC5QA-107] - Cost of Sales (Regular & Graph) Dashboard Tiles throw exceptions when loaded
[OC5QA-112] - Changing the date of a till tape doesn't update the usage source date
[OC5QA-127] - Amalgamate UOM - View becomes blank after amalgamate
[OC5QA-135] - StoreView - edit a store and save, switch to another setup view, then switch back, 2 edited stores in the list
[OC5QA-136] - Daily Sales View asks to save changes when modified and clicking open
[OC5QA-137] - Daily Sales View sets modified flag when refreshing view
[OC5QA-138] - Synchronize Item wouldn't display errors if exception occurred in sync procedure
[OC5QA-146] - Catering - Ensure groups are sorted correctly on refresh
[OC5QA-147] - Usage Summary date fields need to be longer to prevent overflow from creating new line
[OC5QA-153] - Theoretical Prep Usage Report value per 1000 incorrect
[OC5QA-154] - Report parameters and filters are very slow to load
[OC5QA-155] - Catering and Buffets should be locked down when extracted
[OC5QA-156] - Catering/Buffet re-enable should adjust daily sales
[OC5QA-157] - Catering schedule print command using wrong path to large calendar icon
[OC5QA-159] - Sales Import product sale amount sold being re-calculated
[OC5QA-160] - Recipe Set install not looking at configurations for sub types (Price Levels and Supplier Account)
[OC5QA-161] - PrepParLevels does not overwrite existing values
[OC5QA-162] - PrepParLevel view saves all values entered when re-calculating values
[OC5QA-163] - Workaround for errors when Default Case Size is deleted
[OC5QA-164] - Invoice Credit Requests saving incorrect amount of stock
[OC5QA-165] - Report parameter popup: clearing inventory dates does not disable "run report" button
[OC5QA-167] - Resetting and saving an extracted Catering throws exception
[OC5QA-168] - Catering/Buffet weren't uploading to enterprise
[OC5QA-169] - Exception on opening Case Size in Items view from invoice or any place case size is opened
[OC5QA-170] - TillTape re-dating should move the usage correctly now, and Delete should remove the usage correctly now
[OC5QA-171] - Calendar Views now pre-load data before view opens
[OC5QA-172] - TillTape upload Error caused from local store
[OC5QA-173] - Invoice Credit Request - Accepting values above the line purchase.
[OC5QA-174] - Report View parameter command stops working on reports with no parameters
[OC5QA-177] - Rerun Sales error (fail) on rerun in net sales