Release Notes - OC Pro - Version
- [OC-3158] - Catering customer drop down changed to selection list popup
Bug Fixes
- [OC-2954] - Prep station description field not updating correctly
- [OC-2954] - Unit of Measure description field not updating correctly
- [OC-2954] - Tax Group description field not updating correctly
- [OC-2954] - Tax validation for description only works once
- [OC-2954] - Sales group description field not updating correctly
- [OC-2954] - Inventory group description field not updating correctly
- [OC-3121] - Case Size Overview on refresh if no items left in group it would stay on group list
- [OC-2641] - Account deletion validation issue when used in deleted groups
- [OC-3124] - Bid History by Item Report spelling error
- [OC-3122] - IRM issue when de-activating item then saving same item from another window
- [OC-2990] - Till Tape Sale filters have no default value
- [OC-1880] - Synchronize Data issue after fixing errors
- [OC-3004] - Price Change Top 10 dashboard tile showing items with no price change
- [OC-3050] - Catering validation issue on customer field
- [OC-3051] - Customer validation issue with character length
- [OC-3062] - Till Tape new button only works once
- [OC-2867] - Inventory Group validation issue when not selecting account
- [OC-2724] - Review Inventory report not showing items that were added after finalize
- [OC-2838] - Buffet/Catering issue when using reset multiple times
- [OC-2879] - Employee validation issue not focusing Email field after validation fails
- [OC-3091] - Invoice Validation issue sometimes would allow save without supplier
- [OC-3065] - Catering validation issue on location not allowing booking in same room on same day
- [OC-3005] - Period Purchases Dashboard tile gets error on refresh
- [OC-2994] - IRM Replace Ingredient function missing validation to prevent same item being replaced
- [OC-3081] - Inventory Adjustment would occasionally cause error
- [OC-3082] - Calculating account balances for invoice would occasionally cause error
- [OC-2902] - Nutrient validation issue with empty description
- [OC-2992] - Product Overview not showing visual style on modified lines
- [OC-2974] - Sales Import when selecting multiple lines to change Ignored status would occasionally cause error
- [OC-2991] - Link POS ID view missing column for line total
- [OC-3128] - Tax Group validation issue with unique check for tax code
- [OC-3129] - Invoice display issue when adding case sizes by drag/drop the drop indicator should disappear after drop
- [OC-3130] - Catering modified flag clearing on refresh preventing save command from being available
- [OC-3131] - Catering issue after save the new command should be enabled
- [OC-3133] - Sales group missing validation visual style for category
- [OC-3134] - Catering issue modifying room location field after save
- [OC-3135] - Catering validation issue on sales group field
- [OC-3138] - Account validation issue with duplicate descriptions with different account types
- [OC-3139] - Access Level validation issue when saving duplicate description
- [OC-3140] - Product Overview on refresh changes made would revert
- [OC-3141] - Freepour/Bluestreak interface import gets error when importing countsheet with preps
- [OC-3144] - Nutrition Label Print wasn't showing Vitamins and Minerals
- [OC-3147] - Invoice Item tax adjustment columns not displaying correct tax amount
- [OC-3150] - Ordering Reports not displaying correct unit of measure when split case is used
- [OC-3151] - Prep validation issue with shelf life field
- [OC-3152] - Nutrition Label Print for Canadian format had some overlapping text
- [OC-3156] - Product POS IDs using an apostrophe could cause issues with sales import
- [OC-3126] - Enterprise Recipe Set Install was clearing uom aliases when supplier updated
- [OC-3153] - Invoice Import after assigning an order code to an account the general expense line would not get added to the invoice when opened
- [OC-3155] - Customer validation issue with duplicate email check
- [OC-3063] - Till Tape validation issue with duplicate description
- [OC-3161] - Order Creation doesn't use best bid price when populated from Reminder Tile, Forecasted Order, Order Guide, Order Source
- [OC-3172] - Inventory Worksheet reports displaying incorrect current value for prep counts