Release Notes - OC Pro - Version
- [OC-3078] Add warning icon to user drop down if serial number not specified
- [OC-3183] Order Guide report should be more like new order worksheet from v4
- [OC-3191] Item Classification Editor added filter for active/inactive
- [OC-3224] Inventory Count sheets modified to use default case size now instead of current case size
- [OC-3228] Item Case Size added validation when using same unit for purchase and pak
- [OC-3234] Invoice calendar set paid action now toggles status on/off
- [OC-3240] Account Activity Overview add drill down report on supplier name
- [OC-3241] Account Purchase Detail move invoice open action to icon
- [OC-3125] Access Levels modified to allow page specific user access in Item/Prep/Product views
- [OC-3217] Added new popup in Inventory Calendar to modify Item/Prep locations directly
- [OC-3221] Add "Fast Support" link to user drop down menu
- [OC-3143] Catering issue when changing event date didn't update room booking dates
- [OC-3168] Allergen added validation for unique description
- [OC-3184] Till Tape enterprise upload issue after initial entry
- [OC-3203] Amalgamate UOM modified to require all other views be closed
- [OC-3205] Order Selection should default to last 30 days of orders
- [OC-3207] Count sheet Print popup didn't size itself properly
- [OC-3211] Accounting Reports modified to display inactive accounts in red text style
- [OC-3213] Inventory Item report modified to include item icon that will open items view
- [OC-3218] General Ledger report modified default sorting to type of account
- [OC-3236] Inventory Count detail report modified to include item icon to open items view
- [OC-3249] Fixed several small display issues in Catering/Buffet views
- [OC-3252] Catering issue when extracting before save would cause double validation message
- [OC-3254] Catering would sometimes throw error when saved from a reset catering event
- [OC-3275] Pending Sales modified to use Save command to re-run fixed sales items
Bug Fixes
- [OC-2583] Delete Data Utility incorrectly marking deletions for upload instead of deletion on the enterprise server
- [OC-2840] Bluestreak inventory import not handling duplicate bar code counts correctly
- [OC-2850] Store name in application title bar should update when changed in store setup
- [OC-3166] Removed empty tooltips from new sales popup
- [OC-3171] Order guide setup not displaying existing order guides
- [OC-3172] Inventory Worksheet reports displaying wrong unit for prep counts
- [OC-3174] Updated Sysco Canada order export configuration
- [OC-3177] Export Accounting Data for invoices was triggering unnecessary enterprise upload for invoices
- [OC-3179] Item Sales Detail report issue with products sold calculation that also contained prep usage
- [OC-3180] Invoice add account balance popup had display issue with dialog size
- [OC-3181] Sales Mix reports using desired percent of sales not displaying warning correctly
- [OC-3182] Order Creation by forecast not adjusting for quantity on hand correctly
- [OC-3185] Order Guide setup missing inline action to remove line from static order guide
- [OC-3187] Prep Par Level calculation not removing amounts when re-calculated as 0
- [OC-3188] Invoice initial focus should be on supplier drop down instead of items search
- [OC-3189] Budget Worksheet should only display active accounts for new worksheets
- [OC-3190] Invoice focus issue when using arrow keys to select case size, entering quantity, then hitting enter to return to search
- [OC-3192] Till Tape Sale missing validation when no value entered
- [OC-3193] Inventory Count sheet missing validation when no value entered
- [OC-3194] Daily Sales comments field missing scroll bar
- [OC-3195] Buffet/Catering removing the last menu item would disable the commands incorrectly
- [OC-3196] Order Guide setup delete button not enabled correctly
- [OC-3197] Count sheet custom sort on reports missing secondary alphabetical sort for unsorted items
- [OC-3198] Product Overview sorting on column headers wasn't working
- [OC-3200] POS Department IDs popup getting error on save when using apostrophe
- [OC-3202] Order Creation when including items below par level, the best bid case size should be used instead of the default case size
- [OC-3204] Renamed "Allergen Contamination" report to "Cross Contamination" report and resolved functionality issue
- [OC-3206] After changing Count sheet display preferences, when returning to the open count sheet the columns would sometimes appear in the wrong order
- [OC-3208] Order Guide setup should only allow active items
- [OC-3209] Sales Import/Till Tape filters should reset to default when opened from calendar
- [OC-3210] Core Nutrition report should format nutrient amount to number of decimal places according to the precision of the nutrient
- [OC-3212] Budget Template should only show active accounts
- [OC-3214] Invoice Import should only show active suppliers
- [OC-3215] Till Tape Sale should generate usage when entering a negative amount sold
- [OC-3216] Order Worksheet issue with delivery date not updating
- [OC-3222] Invoice Import Configuration for supplier should be removed from main supplier drop down after reset from configuration popup
- [OC-3225] Daily Sales wasn't displaying saved notification when complete
- [OC-3226] Daily Sales issue on refresh would cause duplicate lines in tax list
- [OC-3231] Catering issue when using reset with room booked on same day
- [OC-3232] Export Accounting Data for invoices re-cap report sometimes would display wrong total for all suppliers
- [OC-3235] Inventory Count Detail report issue when sorting by prep quantity or total value would display error on refresh
- [OC-3237] Invoice Credit Request validation modified to allow quantity of 0
- [OC-3238] Invoice Template Save popup missing validation on template name
- [OC-3239] Order Export Configuration stops working on second page when trying to re-open after first saved
- [OC-3242] Order Sheet report not displaying correctly when new
- [OC-3243] Period Lockout not enforced correctly
- [OC-3245] Account Activity Overview calculating ideal cost of sales incorrectly
- [OC-3246] Order creation issue with min re-order level and negative quantity on hand items
- [OC-3247] SupplierView - Delete not working properly
- [OC-3248] Recipe set install error on item reporting conversion factor
- [OC-3250] Daily Sales update after sales modification doesn't re-calculate account balances
- [OC-3253] Inventory Deletion issue with enterprise
- [OC-3256] Till Tape drag drop re-sort not working
- [OC-3257] Invoice Header report issue with database configuration
- [OC-3258] Order selection view should allow delete on any status
- [OC-3259] Order selection view should allow export more than once
- [OC-3260] Order selection list when order marked for both exported and received only shows as exported
- [OC-3261] Order selection view should allow set received on exported orders
- [OC-3274] Item Conversions would sometimes throw error when modifying after initial creation