Release Notes - OC Pro - v5.0.18.302
- [OC-2729] Budget worksheet added validation to ensure percentages aren't over 100%
- [OC-2651] Modified Case Size retrieval to hide case sizes for inactive suppliers
- [OC-2278] Added image insert in Prep/Product to recipe instructions document tool bar
- [OC-1382] Added preference to require login before restoring database
- [OC-2757] Added validation for Supplier to prevent making inactive if supplier is used as current or default case size
- [OC-2386] Added additional filters to Count sheet Setup
- [OC-2713] Added warning in Invoice after the invoice number is entered to indicate if the number has been entered previously
Purchasing Import
- [OC-2233] Added option in expense code pop up to not save any codes that were added and description is now saved for expense code
- [OC-1982] Added preview for csv files while in the csv import configuration wizard to help determine column numbers
- [OC-2733] Added day of week to Usage Summary report inventory date selection
- [OC-2594] Added waste detail report when clicking on waste amount in usage summary reports
Bug Fixes
- [OC-2772] Accounting preference tab was missing validation on save
- [OC-2682] Great Plains invoice export had header rows in wrong section
- [OC-2725] Batch Scaling print report didn't properly show total in portion amount
- [OC-2726] Batch Scaling when entering desired yield wouldn't update amount of batches
- [OC-2590] Case size validation for duplicate order codes now checks its own item's case sizes first then all the other case sizes for the same supplier
- [OC-2754] Fixed validation message in system preferences for default backup path
- [OC-2727] Item par level missing loading spinner
- [OC-2336] Item would sometimes have blank recipe uom when opened from another view
- [OC-2395] Item/Prep/Product would sometimes get error when set to read-only access
- [OC-2714] Items price variance warning now shows correct pricing from modified case size
- [OC-2775] Prep station add didn't work while list was filtered
- [OC-2702] Prep when used as Unit type didn't allow Yield or Recipe uom to be anything other than Unit type
- [OC-2698] Removed history check on Tax deletion, the history is maintained even after tax is deleted.
- [OC-2715] Search all would get error if a product contained no price levels
- [OC-2777] Changed recipe set incomplete message to be more visible after installation
- [OC-2763] Optimized item synchronize after recipe set install
- [OC-2762] Recipe set install for case sizes now handles update action correctly
- [OC-2760] Recipe set install for item conversions now handles update action correctly
- [OC-2595] Buffet menu items scroll area now properly set
- [OC-2648] Buffet/Catering would sometimes allow extract stock when event has already been extracted
- [OC-2580] Catering menu items would sometimes have incorrect costing after adding
- [OC-2758] Buffet/Catering Guest amount should only allow whole numbers
- [OC-2686] Count sheet didn't add new case sizes created to open inventories
- [OC-2719] Inventory count sheet will refresh correctly now when locations and case size should count is modified
- [OC-2720] Inventory custom sort reset button didn't work
- [OC-2701] Inventory summarize was failing when trying to calculate inventory value with 0 quantity invoices
- [OC-2124] Item counts in existing inventory wouldn't appear if the primary location changed or item was made inactive
- [OC-2688] Prep would only appear in location count sheet of an open inventory if the primary location is changed
- [OC-2740] re-enable inventory doesn't clear out previous inventory adjustment from memory
- [OC-2742] valuation issue with adjusting multiple hot list count sheet inventory
- [OC-2774] Allergen add didn't work while list was filtered
- [OC-2708] Nutrition labels was showing inactive items/preps/products
- [OC-2694] Print Nutrition Labels for USDA label format caused error
- [OC-2718] Invoice account balances didn't re-calculate when 0 value entered
- [OC-2771] Invoice adding account balance manually then removing would cause the invoice not to balance
- [OC-2704] Invoice credit request wasn't handling quantity input correctly
- [OC-2761] Invoice credit tab would sometimes get error when entering quantity
- [OC-2705] Invoice had rare issue with duplicate accounts in account balances that would prevent invoice from being saved
- [OC-2768] Invoice was missing multi-drag drop behavior for adding case sizes
- [OC-2753] Last received date doesn't update unless there are price changes in the invoice
- [OC-2709] Order reminder dashboard tiles was showing inactive items
- [OC-2647] Order worksheet would sometimes save price override flag incorrectly
- [OC-2712] Period purchase dashboard tile will refresh after date range changes
- [OC-2735] Request bids from order worksheet would get error if done twice in a row
Purchasing Import
- [OC-2234] After saving invoice from invoice window the invoice import screen didn't update status to saved
- [OC-2697] If a line in an invoice file has unit cost or line total of 0 the line was being ignored
- [OC-2723] Configuration file path browse opened to current directory instead of selected directory
- [OC-2586] Creating item from line error pop-up would cause a duplicate invoice item to be added
- [OC-1795] Expense code pop up clears out saved expense codes when processing multiple invoice files
- [OC-2262] Line errors pop up will refresh correctly when case size is modified
- [OC-2581] Specification can be cleared from supplier so it doesn't appear in supplier drop down
- [OC-2258] Status will update correctly when invoice saved from invoice window
- [OC-2638] Account purchase Detail sub report not showing same total as General ledger report
- [OC-2687] Item Sales Detail report incorrectly shows preps in product section
- [OC-2765] Prep recipe book report optimized
- [OC-2706] Reports now properly show local system currency
- [OC-2769] Associate items was missing multi-drag drop behavior and add on double-click
- [OC-2749] IRM would get error sometimes after changing active/inactive filters