Release Notes - OC Pro - Version
- [OC-3744] - Product creation enhancement to allow creation without ingredients
- [OC-3745] - Added Product without ingredient UI indication
- [OC-3746] - Added Product without ingredients report indication
- [OC-3748] - Added Command in sales views to create products from unlinked data
- [OC-3770] - Added new report Inventory Count Detail - by Prep
- [OC-2232] - Usage Summary modified to actualize items that do not track inventory
- [OC-2835] - Sales View modified to show indication when ignored from individual POS ID or from POS group
- [OC-3698] - Accounting preference to control the Gross Sales account
- [OC-3747] - POS Preference to auto-update product selling price when sales are processed
- [OC-3749] - Product Overview UI enhancements
- [OC-3750] - Case Size Overview UI enhancements
- [OC-3453] - Count sheet filter pop-out not consistent with other filter popups
- [OC-3633] - Modified Employee deletion procedure to retain audit history
- [OC-3636] - Ingredient page modified to indicate inactive ingredients with red description
Bug Fixes
- [OC-3700] - Invoice Detail view shouldn't allow multiple suppliers to be loaded from orders
- [OC-2979] - Period Sales Dashboard Tile only shows Gross Sales
- [OC-3089] - Ingredient page on save un-convertible ingredient uom exception
- [OC-3263] - Inventory List view asks to save changes twice
- [OC-3382] - Period lockout issue with period end date when automatically locking several days after end date
- [OC-3554] - Allergen page add/remove doesn't put item in modified state
- [OC-3602] - Prep par level view doesn't refresh prep values
- [OC-3608] - Invoice Detail View Expense line missing validation for Account
- [OC-3634] - POS Description causes save to fail on save when text length too long
- [OC-3642] - Tax view validation for unique code sometimes fails
- [OC-3643] - Prep Station View delete procedure not working
- [OC-3664] - Order Guide should only show active case sizes for selection and in reports
- [OC-3669] - Catering Calendar issue when re-date event that conflicts with room bookings on the new date
- [OC-3671] - Item view duplicate function not populating all fields
- [OC-3673] - Buffet Calendar popup for single day doesn't display total value
- [OC-3676] - Cost of sales dashboard tile display issue
- [OC-3692] - Order Detail View issue with split case when swapping case size
- [OC-3699] - Order view shouldn't allow the same order source to be loaded
- [OC-3738] - Adding dashboard tile sometimes causes error
- [OC-3742] - Location page add/remove locations after first save no longer puts item in modified state
- [OC-3760] - Items view error on close after not saving changes
- [OC-3761] - Invoice view save not enabled when only changing expense account
- [OC-3762] - Enterprise Upload stuck on please wait and pending upload message never clears
- [OC-3763] - Catering view room list duplicated after modified in existing event
- [OC-3764] - Inventory Count sheet view asks to save changes again after selecting no the first time on new
- [OC-3766] - Item classification editor when modifying locations should not show preps that have no primary location
- [OC-3769] - Nutrition Label for USDA label type returns error on print
- [OC-3774] - Buffet Analysis report formatting issue
- [OC-3775] - Usage Summary Group Total report search filter not working