Release Notes - OC Pro - Version
New Features
- [OC-4226] - Added Feedback dialog to top right corner to send feedback
- [OC-4230] - Added News Article panel to display new information about Optimum Control
- [OC-4244] - Added Icon on user drop down to notify when update is available
Bug Fixes
- [OC-3638] - Item Classification Editor - tax groups now sorted by item description
- [OC-3904] - Recipe Book Report - image now loads in recipe instructions when not saved correctly
- [OC-4051] - Store POS Department IDs - now has validation for blank value
- [OC-4208] - Prep Sheet - now calculates max amount based on shelf life correctly
- [OC-4193] - Tax Group - can now delete tax group if only one in the list
- [OC-4215] - Prep Par Level - clicking "Calculate Required Amounts" button multiple now does not leave screen blurred
- [OC-4246] - Product - taxed selling price now updates without view needing refresh
- [OC-4263] - Account - rare occurrence where account was unable to be made inactive has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-4274] - Batch Scaling - print function now removes extra page break after instructions
- [OC-4278] - Item - duplicate function no longer adds extra case size
- [OC-4290] - Sales Import Configuration - lines to skip option now appears
- [OC-3455] - Catering - gratuity percent now recalculates when gratuity amount entered
- [OC-4074] - Catering - re-enable now refreshes status on calendar
- [OC-4265] - Event Preference - "Default Cost Percentage" now updates the item/prep price when added to menu
- [OC-4280] - Catering Confirmation Report - now displays price instead of cost for selling price
- [OC-4059] - Count sheet Setup - filters popup now closes after clicking apply
- [OC-4214] - Hot List - validation added for character length on description
- [OC-3913] - Order Guide - "Filter By" drop down now works when switching from fixed to dynamic
- [OC-3979] - Invoice - now sets due date correctly based on supplier terms for existing invoice
- [OC-4039] - Invoice - now sets due date correctly for COD
- [OC-4065] - Credit Reconciliation - clicking "Reconcile" button multiple now does not leave screen blurred
- [OC-4284] - Invoice - using associate while invoice is open no longer clears supplier field
- [OC-4285] - Invoice - using associate while invoice is open no longer causes case sizes to disappear for other suppliers
- [OC-4289] - Order Guide - order guide now load item descriptions consistently
- [OC-3905] - Item - nutrition values now update when recipe uom changes
- [OC-4066] - Credit Request History - now displaying quantity and uom as reporting unit
- [OC-4260] - Usage Summary Top 25 Bottom 10 - now loads correctly when run for multiple categories or groups
- [OC-4264] - Inventory Order Form - items are now sorted correctly
- [OC-4277] - Purchase Detail by Item - rare occurrence causing error for unit cost has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-4281] - Purchase Detail by Item - now loads correctly for suppliers with longer description
- [OC-4270] - Sales Import - linking to a new product now refreshes the status automatically
- [OC-3485] - Customer - added validation on email to re-enable deleted employee with same email
- [OC-4282] - Prep - issue with access level where child has more access than parent level has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-4283] - Backup reminder - dialog is now hidden based on preference
- [OC-4293] - Product - issue with access level where child has more access than parent level has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-4294] - Items - issue with access level where child has more access than parent level has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-3584] - Associate Items - now retains selected case sizes when changing associated supplier
- [OC-3958] - Item Recipe Management - can now make recipe inactive with un-convertible ingredients
- [OC-4114] - Item Recipe Management - issue where selecting ingredient does not refresh contained in recipe list has been sourced and fixed
- [OC-4115] - Item Recipe Management - now clicking bowl icon in contained in recipe list scrolls to recipe
- [OC-4291] - Associate Items - now clears barcode from new case sizes