Case Size Overview General Information

This window will allow you to view and manage multiple case sizes for your inventory items. You will also have the ability to quickly edit or enter order codes and barcodes for multiple items.

To View Case Size Information:

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar).
  2. Click the desired inventory group listed on the left, and all inventory items within that group will be displayed.
    NOTE: Each item pack size is listed. Current case sizes are listed with a key icon, while preferred case sizes are indicated with a shopping cart icon.
  3. Click on the description name of the item or case size you want to edit or view. The "Items" window will open to that specific case size.
  4. Edit or add a case size.
  5. When you return to the "Case Size Overview" (upper menu band), the updated/new information will appear.

NOTE: You can edit the order code or barcode of any item while in this window. Be sure to save your changes before closing the window.

To Sort the List:

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar).
  2. Choose the desired inventory group.
  3. Click the header (e.g. description, supplier, order code, etc.) you wish to sort by.
  4. Single-click the header to put the list into descending order, or double-click to put it into ascending order.

To Select Columns:

The view of the window can be changed based on the information desired.

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar)
  2. Choose "Select Columns (case size overview toolbar).
  3. Select or deselect the columns you want to see or hide in the window.
  4. Click "Apply".

To Refresh the Window:

This refreshes the window for any item changes that are not automatically updated.

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar)
  2. Choose "Refresh" (case size overview toolbar)


To Search for an Item:

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar)
  2. Click the desired inventory group listed on the left and all items within that group will be displayed.
  3. If you are searching for an inactive item, check the "Show Inactive Items" box located in the top right.
    NOTE: Inactive items will be listed in red italics.
  4. Enter the full or partial item name in the "Search Items" (top of the list, NOT in the toolbar).
    NOTE: By default, the window is set to search by description; however, you can also search by full or partial order code or barcode.

To Search by Supplier:

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar)
  2. Click the desired inventory group listed on the left and all items within that group will be displayed.
  3. If you are searching for an inactive item, check the "Show Inactive Items" box located in the top right. For active items, skip to Step 4.
    NOTE: Inactive items will be listed in red italics.
  4. Select the desired supplier from the drop-down list.

The window only displays by group. If you are looking for an item and are not sure which group it is under, you will want to search "All Items".

To Search All Items:

  1. Select "Case Size Overview" (main menu toolbar).
  2. Choose "Search" (case size overview toolbar)
  3. If you are searching for an Inactive Item, check the "Show Inactive Items" box located in the bottom left corner. For active items, skip to Step 4.
    NOTE: Inactive items will be listed in red italics.
  4. Scroll the list or enter the full or partial name of the item you wish to find. The list will filter as you type.
  5. Select the desired item.
  6. Click "OK".