How can I export my reports to CSV?

OC Enterprise has the option to export a select number of reports directly to a CSV file without running the actual report. This option will allow you to quickly export the data in a format that is easily added to an existing spreadsheet.

How to Access the Data Export Feature:

  1. Select "Reports" from the dropdown menu located at the top of the page.
  2. Select "Data Export" from the list.
  3. The reports that are available for this option are:
    1. Purchase Detail Stock Quantity  - To export the data, you'll need to select a start date and end date. You may also filter the report by Region, Store, Store Group, Category, Inventory Group or Item. The export will include the store, the item(s), the stock quantity amount for the items, along with the unit of measure for the items.
    2. Menu Product Summary - To export the data, you can specify a category or multiple categories as well as a sales group or groups, then click the "Export Data" button. Or click the "Export Data" without selecting any parameters. The export will include information on your products, including the category, the group, the product, the PLU number from your POS, the price, the cost, the cost percentage, the gross amount as well as the percentage.
    3. Sales Mix - By Product - To export the data, you'll need to select a start date and end date. You may also filter the report by Region, Store, Store Group, Category, Sales Group, or Product. The export will include information on products that have been sold, including the batch ID, store ID, sales date, product sold, item ID, category, group, unit cost, quantity sold, total cost, cost percentage, period total, and account.