How do I enter a prep/batch recipe?

To Enter a Prep/Batch Recipe

  1. Click "Preps" (main menu toolbar)
    NOTE: The window, by default, is in "NEW" mode until an existing prep is selected.
  2. For a new prep, click "Add", or simply click on the "Description" field. To edit an existing prep, double-click on the prep from the description list on the left.
    NOTE: To search for a previously entered prep recipe, enter the full or a partial name in the search field to filter the list.
  3. Enter the details as below.
Core Information Details
Description Enter the name for this prep recipe. You must give this prep a different name than any other item or prep to save confusion (e.g. Chili Prep, Beef Patty Mix, House Dressing, Swedish Meat Balls, etc.)
Inventory Group

Select the reporting group for this prep from the drop-down list.

TIP: Group preps into a group called "prepped foods", this keeps them all together.

How is it used?

when adding a prep as an ingredient, the Units of Measure (UOM) will be by one of three units:

  • Weight – Your recipe UOM will be by weight units.
  • Volume – Your recipe UOM will be by volume units.
  • Unit – Your recipe UOM will be by "each".
Batch UOM Select the batch unit (e.g. batch, pail, bucket, 1/3 pan, 1/6 pan, etc.). This will appear on your inventory count sheets to aid in counting.
Batch Yield

The amount contained in the batch. This is the physical yield of what the end yield is once the prep is complete (e.g. 24 muffins, 12 liters, etc.).

NOTE: This is the final physical yield after you have finished preparing the recipe. When you measure the prep yield, we recommend that you take an average of about three or four batches to be as accurate as possible. If you are entering your prep now, but are not quite sure of your yield, then put in a close estimate and change it to the right amount when sure. Your recipes will automatically update to the new amount.

Recipe Unit per (Batch Yield Unit) The amount or recipe units in the batch yield. This UOM is the desired default unit when using in recipes. If you prefer a different UOM, then the unit types will be available to choose from. Select the unit and the amount will be automatically converted.
Actual Cost Per (Batch Yield Unit) This field will display the cost per recipe unit.
Comments Enter any comments for this prep that will be included on prep recipe reports and books.

NOTE: You should make your prep in this window precisely to the recipe you make in the kitchen. Then measure (or count), the batch yield in the units by which you use this prep in your finished menu products.

Adding a Prep to Inventory Count Sheets

If you choose to count this prep as part of your inventory, you will need to answer the questions below.

Prep Sheet Information Details
Include on Count Sheets? To include this prep recipe in the inventory count sheet, check the box.
Main Location

Indicate the main location this prep is stored in. To select more locations, click "Locations" (prep toolbar)

NOTE: You must define a main location for a prep recipe to appear on count sheets.


If scanning inventory, then you can indicate or create the barcode here.

NOTE: You will need to print barcode labels and have a scanning unit.

Prep Sheet Information

If you would like to include a prep in the daily or weekly prep sheets, then you will need to fill in the following information.

Prep Sheet Information Details
Include on Prep Sheets? Check this box to include this prep on your daily prep sheets.
Prep Station Select the prep station from the drop-down list. This is the location where you would be prepping the recipe. Click "Settings", followed by "Setup" and then "Prep Stations" to add a new prep station.
Shelf Life Indicate the shelf life (in days or hours).