How do I add ingredients to a recipe?

In the product window, you can add recipe ingredients to calculate the cost and determine what gets extracted from inventory when sales are processed.

To Add Ingredients to a Recipe:

  1. Select the ingredient(s), choose the "Add Item", "Add Prep", or "Add Product" on the "Product Toolbar" to add ingredients.
  2. Enter the quantity that is used in the recipe. When you created an item, prep, or product, a recipe unit of measure was indicated. Each ingredient you choose will automatically have this unit of measure listed. You can also use decimals, such as 0.25 ounces or 1.5 bottles.
  3. Select the Unit of Measure for this recipe. If it is a volume measurement or weight measurement, the corresponding units will be available in the drop-down. Should you want to add conversions for the ingredient, select the item or prep recipe and click "Conversions", add a conversion (even if weight to volume conversion) and the additional choices will appear.
  4. Continue adding ingredients until the product recipe is complete.
    NOTE: You can only enter each ingredient once. The program does not allow duplicate ingredients. Once an ingredient is added, it will not appear on the search list.
  5. Optimum Control will calculate the total cost of this product recipe (at the bottom right hand corner) and display as the actual product cost in the left pane.
    NOTE: If you already entered a selling price, you can review it now to make sure that it is within the desired cot percentage margin. If it is not, enter in the desired cost percentage in the "Cost Percent" field and Optimum Control will calculate a selling price.
  6. Click "Save".