How do I add conversions for my preps?

When originally entering items you were asked, "How is it used?" The unit types will be the ones available for future recipes when choosing the prep as an ingredient (either weights, volumes, or units). If you would like to use a different type of unit, such as a weight instead of a volume, you may add a conversion here.

Ex. You may want to use Tuna Salad by the serving, or by the pan. You could add a conversion such as six (6) fluid ounces = 1 pan. This unit, along with other units of its type, will now become available when building product recipes. 

How to Add a Conversion

  1. Select "Recipe" from the menu bar.
  2. Click "Prep".
  3. Click the "Edit Prep" button.
  4. Click "Conversions" from the Prep tab bar.
  5. Click "New".
  6. Enter the conversion. Enter the number of units in the "From" field and the existing Unit of Measure (UOM). In the next field enter the amount for the converted unit, along with the new UOM in the following field. Take care to enter these figures properly.

    Ex. 1 each = 180 grams, or 1 pint = 7 ounce by weight (when converteing weight to volume). These are examples only and you should accurately measure and weigh the conversion.
  7. Click "Save".