How do I add or edit inventory items?

To Add or Edit Inventory Items:

  1. Click "Items" (main menu toolbar)
    NOTE: The window, by default is in NEW mode until an existing item is selected.
  2. To select an existing item, double click on the item from the listing on the left. To add a new inventory item, click "New".
    NOTE: As the default is a NEW item, you can simply click on the "Description" field.
  3. Enter the details as below.
  4. Move to "Case Size Information" to complete the item. 
    Field Details
    Search Description Enter the name of the item. We recommend using a clear and simple name for ease of use, as some suppliers will have a very complex name for the items they sell.
    Inventory Group Select the group you wish this item to report in from the drop-down list.
    Main Location This is the storage location (or ordering location) where you keep MOST of the stock for this item.
    How it is used?

    This is probably one of the MOST important questions. There are three possible answers:

    • Weight – When adding this item as an ingredient, the recipe units of measure (UOM) will be by weight units.
    • Volume – When adding this item as an ingredient, the UOM will be by volume units.
    • Unit – When adding this item as an ingredient, the UOM will default by Each.
    Reporting Unit This is the unit that you want to have this item reported by. Whatever unit you choose, it will populate under "Split Unit" on the "Supplier Case Size" area of the window (to the right).
    Default Ingredient Unit The default unit shown in recipe ingredients. The units to choose from will be selected based on preferences and the type of unit you chose.
    Track Inventory There are some items you enter that you do not want on inventory count sheets (e.g. tap water for recipes, small wares, cleaning implements) but you want them entered into Optimum Control so that Managers can order them. To NOT track inventory, uncheck this box.
    Key Inventory Item

    This feature allows for you to only see the items that you want on the inventory count sheets and in the Inventory window.

    Check the box if you would like to count this item every time you enter inventory counts. There are some key items that you will only want to count occasionally (e.g. garlic powder, stir sticks, etc.)

    Actualize Usage Values

    Some items cannot be tracked properly in a recipe (e.g. fryer oil, napkins, straws, etc.). Although these items may not be used in recipes, a variance will show because there is actual usage but no ideal.

    The "Actualize Usage Values" function allows you to tell the usage reporting function that whatever you used for this item is what you should have used, no variance. Each item that is actualized will be marked with an * next to the ideal usage amount.