How do I add Suppliers or Vendors?

Suppliers or Vendors are those you purchase inventory items or services from. You may view an existing supplier's details by double clicking on the supplier name from the listing.

NOTE: For the initial setup, it is recommended that you enter most of your suppliers before entering inventory items.

To Add, Edit, or Delete Suppliers:

  1. Click "Settings" (upper left corner)
  2. Choose "Setup"
  3. Select "Suppliers"
  4. Select an existing supplier to edit or click "Delete". To create a new supplier, click "Add".
  5. Enter the details as below.
  6. Click "Save"

    Field Details
    Supplier Name Enter the supplier name.
    Active/Inactive Active is the default. If you wish to make it inactive, uncheck the box and the supplier will not appear in reports or pick lists.
    Terms Enter the number of days in which payments are due for this supplier.
    Accounting Vendor ID

    If you intend to link Optimum Control to your accounting system, enter the linking vendor ID from your accounting system (if required).

    Account Number Your account or customer number. This will appear on your order sheets and be needed if you upload orders to your supplier's website and/or import invoices.
    Address Information Enter the information in all address fields.
    Contact Information

    Enter the information in all contact information fields for your sales representative.

    NOTE: Only the email address is required as it is used in the bid functions.