How do I adjust an inventory count?

If you have made a mistake counting and/or entering your inventory, you are able to adjust your inventory counts.

To Adjust Your Inventory Count Sheet:

  1. Click "Count Inventory" (main menu toolbar)
  2. To open a finalized inventory, double-click on the count you want to adjust.
    NOTE: The sheet will open with the "Inventory Summary" displayed.
  3. Click "Adjust Countsheet" (inventory toolbar) and the count sheet will be displayed. This will allow you to adjust the actual counts you entered originally. This is very important when adjusting preps, as all ingredients will be recalculated.
  4. Click "Re-Summarize & Save" to re-save the inventory totals.
  5. The "Inventory Adjustments" will show the original counts and new adjusted counts.
  6. Click "Close (X)".

To Add an Item to a Previously Saved Count:

When adjusting a count sheet, you may realize that an item was not on the count sheet.

  1. Click "Count Inventory" (main menu toolbar).
  2. Double-click on the finalized inventory you want to adjust.
  3. Click "Adjust Countsheet" (inventory toolbar).
  4. Select "Add Item" (inventory toolbar).
  5. Double-click the item you want to add to the count sheet.
  6. Once added, depending on which location you were in, you may have to search for the item.
  7. Enter your counts for the new item.
  8. Click "Re-Summarize & Save".
  9. The "Inventory Adjustments" will show the original counts and the new adjusted counts.
  10. Click "Close (X)".