How do I change my user account information?

Your username will be displayed on the right side of the upper menu band. The username is the name specified in the security settings.

Field Details
Edit Account

To Change Account Information:

  1. Click the user account information.
  2. Enter change(s) to first name, last name, username, email, and/or phone number.
  3. Click "Save"

NOTE: If you changed your username, the change will take effect on the next login.

Change Password

To Change Your Password:

  1. Enter your old password.
  2. Enter your new password.
  3. Confirm the password.
  4. Click "Save"

NOTE: These changes will take effect on your next login.

Elevate Permissions

The elevate permissions function can be used by a supervisor or manager to temporarily elevate permissions on logged in account to that of the supervisor.

To Elevate Permissions:

  1. Have your supervisor click the user account information.
  2. Select "Elevate Permissions".
  3. Enter their username and password.
  4. Select the length of time you can have the elevated permissions (5 to 30 minutes).
  5. Click "Login"

NOTE: At the end of this period, the elevated permissions will expire.

Switch User

To Switch User:

  1. Click the user account information.
  2. Select "Switch User"
  3. Enter username and password.
  4. Click "Login"