How do I create or edit a prep recipe?

How to Create or Edit a Prep Recipe

  1. Select "Recipe" from the menu bar.
  2. Select "Preps".
  3. To search for a previously entered prep recipe, type a few letters in the search description to filter the list.
  4. Click the name of the prep you would like to edit.
  5. To create a new prep, click "New Prep".
  6. Enter the fields as listed below.
    Core Information Details

    Enter the name for this prep recipe. You must give this prep a different name than any other item or prep to save confusion.

    E.g. Chili Prep, Beef Patty Mix, House Dressing, Swedish Meat Balls, etc.)

    Inventory Group

    Select the inventory group for this prep from the dropdown list.

    TIP: You may want to setup a dedicated group named "prepped foods".

    How is it used?

    Weight - Select this option if your prep will be used by weight.

    Volume - Select this option if your prep will be used by liquid measure.

    Unit - Select this option if your prep will be used by each.

    Batch Unit of Measure Select the batch unit. Ex. "Batch", "Pail", "Bucket", "1/3 Pan", "1/6 Pan", etc. This will appear on your inventory count sheets as well to aid in counting.

    Batch Yield

    TIP: This is the final physical yield after you have finished preparing the recipe. When you measure the prep yield, TracRite recommends that you take an average of about 3 or 4 batchesto be as accurate as possible. If you are entering your prep now but are not quite sure of your yield, then put in a close estimate now. You may change it to the right amount when you are certain. Optimum Control will update all your recipes automatically to the new amount.

    The amount contained in the batch. This is the physical yield once the prep is complete. E.g. 24 muffins, 12 liters, etc.
    Recipe Unit (per____) The amount of recipe units in the batch yield. This unit of measure is the default unit used in recipes. You may change this unit from the dropdown menu. OC Enterprise will convert the recipe unit amount to this new unit.
    Actual Cost Per (Batch Yield Unit) This field will display the cost per recipe unit.
    Include on Count Sheets? Indicate if you would like your prep to appear on count sheets for inventory purposes. Individual stores need to define a "Main Location" for a prep to appear on their count sheets.
    Barcode Enter a unique barcode for your prep here (if required).
    Comments Include any of your own comments for the prep.

    NOTE: Make your prep in this window precisely as you would in the kitchen. Measure (or count) the batch yield in the same units you would use your finished menu products.

  7. Click "Save.


Batch Yield Example (Meat Balls): Would you use ten (10) individual, or ten (10) ounces of Swedish meat balls per plate of Swedish meat ball stew? To enter a batch yield as the total number of meat balls, select "Unit" from the dropdown menu in the "How is it used?" field. Your prep's yield will now be counted by unit. The "Batch Yield" field will now display your prep as an "each". At other times you might want to use weight. You would need to add a conversion to a prep to convert between different units of volume, weight, and unit.

Batch Yield Example (Burger Patty): Your burger prep may make forty-three (43), four (4)- ounce burgers. You would count this by the burger (the yield would be forty-three (43) "each".

Batch Yield Example (Fish and Meats): While prepping fish, you might start with 1 pound (16 ounces) of Codfish. Once trimmed and filleted, y ou may only end up with ten (10) ounces. Ten (10) ounces is the physical yield.  Your Codfish recipes should use this "prepped" Codfish yield.

Batch Yield Example (Produce Prep): Cut, trim, and shred ten (10) pounds of carrots You may end up with only eight (8) pounds of shredded carrots, or even sixteen (16) cups.