How do I set up Tax Groups?

A Tax Group is a set of taxes, discounts, or deposits that are applied to the cost and/or purchase price of that item. You can have Federal Tax applied to one item but Local Tax and Federal Tax to another. Many dry goods and beer/liquor items vary in which taxes are applied.

*You must set up taxes and adjustments (discounts or fees) applicable for your area in Taxes and Adjustments before assigning tax groups.

To Add, Edit, or Delete a Tax Group

  1. Click "Settings" (upper left corner)
  2. Choose "Setup"
  3. Select "Tax Groups"
  4. Select an existing group to edit or click "Delete". To create a new group, click "Add".
  5. Enter the details as below.
  6. Click "Save"
  7. To apply a tax group to an item, select the appropriate tax group from the tax group drop-down box in the Items window. If the purchase price includes a tax group, check this box and prices will be adjusted accordingly.
    Field Details
    Group Code Enter a two-digit group code for the tax group (e.g. PT, GP, GT).
    Description Enter the description for the group
    Select Taxes Check each tax box to include.