How do I use the Item Classification Editor (ICE)?

The Item Classification Editor allows you to re-assign items to different groups. You can browse the items in your database by four (4) different categories with the buttons located at the top of the page. These buttons are labelled as:

  • Sales Group
  • Inventory Group
  • TaxGroup - Product
  • TaxGroup - CaseSize

How to Move an Item from One Group to Another

  1. Highlight an item in the "From Groups" list on the left side of the page (drag and drop the item to the new group, release on the desired group).
  2. To move - Highlight the group you would like to move that item on the "To Groups" list on the right side of the page.
  3. Click the blue "Add" button (or simply drag and drop the item to the new group).
  4. You may remove any items from the list on the right by highlighting the item and clicking the blue "Remove" button.
  5. Click "Save" to keep your changes (if desired).

To move an item from one tax group to another is the same procedure, just select Tax Groups at the top of the window.