How do I view and manage my orders?

To View and Manage Orders:

  1. Click "Orders" (main menu toolbar).
  2. The "Pending Order" listing will be displayed.
    NOTE: In this window, you can view, delete, export, and create order guides.
  3. You can arrange and filter your order list to see precisely what you want to.
    NOTE: To clear the filter, click (X).
Filter Details
Sort Orders by Header Click "Headers" to sort the list into "Ascending" or "Descending" order.
PO Number Type a PO number to filter the list to orders containing that PO number.
Supplier Choose the supplier you wish to see the orders for.
Status Select the status view you wish to see.
Pending The default view is set to "Pending Orders only."
Received This view shows "Received Orders" only. When you receive an order in the invoice window, it becomes a received order.
Exported If using the "Export to Supplier" function, you can view a list of all exported orders.
All Orders Displays all orders no matter what status.
Filter Days The default view is 30 days but you can choose 60, 90, or all days.

To Export Orders:

  1. Select "Orders" from the main menu toolbar.
  2. Highlight the order to export.
  3. Click "Export" the file will be created in the location desired.
  4. Purge (Delete) Orders –  Highlight the orders (usually received orders) from the list and click "Purge". You will be asked if you want to delete the order from the list. Click "Yes".
  5. Set Order Status as Received – Use this feature to set pending orders to "Received" status. In some instances, you may have made an order but received an import file from the supplier to receive the invoice (Edit, etc.) in this case you may wish to set the pending order as received. Select the orders to "Set Received" and click "Set Received".
  6. Confirm "Set Received". The orders will have the status changed to "Received".