Invoice Utilities

Invoice Search

  1. Click "Invoice" (main menu toolbar).
  2. The "Invoice Calendar" view will open, displaying any current invoices for the month. To scroll to the previous month, click the month to the top left of the calendar, and to advance a month, click the month at the top right.
  3. Click the search button (invoice toolbar) and a listing of all invoices will be presented.
  4. You can search a date range, this month, last month, past 3 months, this year, last year, or choose custom dates. Alternatively, you can click the header to sort by supplier, date, invoice number, or total.
  5. Double-click on the invoice you wish to open.

You can type the supplier name or invoice number in the search box to filter the list.


Re-Date an Invoice

If you saved an invoice on the wrong date, you can change it. Remember, the date received is the correct date.

  1. Click "Invoice" (main menu toolbar).
  2. The "Invoice Calendar" view will display, highlight the invoice in the "Invoice Pick Calendar".
  3. Click "Re-Date Invoice" (invoice calendar toolbar).
  4. Select the correct date.
  5. Click "Okay". The invoice will now move to the corrected date in the calendar.
  6. Select the correct date.
  7. Click "Okay". The invoice will now move to the corrected date in the calendar.

*If period lockouts have been set, you cannot re-date an invoice before the last locked out period.


Deleting an Invoice

  1. Click "Invoice" (main menu toolbar).
  2. The "Invoice Calendar" view will display.
  3. Search for the invoice to delete.
  4. Click "Delete" (invoice calendar toolbar).
  5. A message will appear asking if you want to delete the invoice.
  6. Click "Yes". The invoice is now deleted.