Where can I see the core information on a product?

Clicking on an item from the "Product Overview" page will load the "Product Detail" page for that product. The "Product Detail" page provides core information about that product. Changes can be made by clicking "Edit".

Description The product's description.
Sales Group The sales group the product will be reported to.
Barcode Indicates the barcode for the product (optional).
Actual Product Cost The cost of the recipe based on the current costs on OC Enterprise.
POS ID# The POS ID number the product is linked to.
POS Description The assigned point-of-sale description for the product. This field is editable for quick editing and linking.
Selling Price The price you charge your customers for hte product. This field is editable for quick entry /edits.
Gross Margin The total margin (Selling Price less Cost).
Cost % The cost divided by the selling price.
Gross Percent The margin divided by the selling price.
Tax Group Indicates the tax group applied to the product. The POS system deals with taxes and this is only used if wanting to calculate selling price with taxes for information only.


 To view details on the product, click the tab you wish to view the information for:

Product Details Description
Ingredients Displays a list of all ingredients in your product. This listing includes the Item Description, Quantity, UOM (Units of Measure) and Cost.
Concepts Displays a listing of the concepts assigned to your product. You may re-assign a concept, enable or disable the concept, or assign a product as a key item. Enable or disable any checkboxes that apply.
Instructions Displays your written instructions provided for the product and a product image (if provided).

You can edit the information in these tabs in more detail by clicking the "Edit" button located near the top left-hand corner of this page (Product Detail).